
Friday, January 20, 2012


I met with someone in physical medicine at Washington University today. My migraine doc wanted me to get some biofeedback and this was the first step to that end. Basically today was just that intitial visit so I told her all about my pains and she decided that we'll do muscle biofeedback and then do thermal biofeedback. I'm excited about the plan and about the doc I'll be working with. She was very nice and understanding. Plus I think that this will really help me out with the relaxation/meditation stuff that I'm trying to do.

The migraine doc also wanted me to do chiropractic and acupuncture with someone specific he said is the best. Supposedly he has been working with her so she knows what specifically to do with his patients. All that sounds perfect right? The only problem is that they don't do any insurance work so they are going to be out-of-network. I still have some coverage but just learned that the coverage will not be enough to fulfill  even the most basic treatment. We certainly can't afford to do it on our own so I think for now I'll hold off on doing this. I'll see him in a few weeks and can talk about another way to go about getting this done. Hopefully he'll have a plan b.

My dog/house sitting time will be wrapping up tomorrow morning, which I'm really excited about. The extra money was nice but I'm anxious to get home and back with my husband, dog and rabbit. Just in time for the weekend :)

What are you plans?

1 comment:

  1. Hi - My new Migraine specialist prescribed biofeedback for me too. I've been going around in circles as to whether or not it's covered, but will be going to my first session next week. I'm happy that you're glad about the plan your doctor layed out for you and hope it helps you! Puppet
