My biofeedback doc asked me a question today that sort of reframed things for me. She asked how often I go out and do something fun for myself. I do things I enjoy, but they are almost always at home because going out is often so taxing. I realized that when I have energy and feel up to doing stuff, usually that energy is spent doing stuff around the house, going to visit family or doing something with my husband.
With so much that goes undone during all the time I'm not feeling up to doing anything, I feel like I should my "available" time getting them done. Since my Botox injections have made doing much of the biowork difficult she suggested I use the next couple of months to do some things outside the home just for pleasure. The ultimate goal being to destress a bit, sort of bring down all my inner tensions, which may help to bring down my muscular tensions.
Worth a try. I've certainly tried many less pleasant and costly things to feel better.