
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Almost Here

Is it really possible that Thanksgiving is just a week away? The most recent ChronicBabe Blog Carnival was about giving thanks and even though I missed the deadline I still wanted to do a post on the subject anyway. No matter what difficulties and ugliness pervade my days I have so much to be thankful for. Here's a list:

1. Having moved back to the Midwest I'm so thankful to once again be living close to family.
2. Food on the table, soap in the shower, clean clothes in the closet, a roof over my head and a husband who is gainfully employed.
3. Wonderful blogs to read and blogger friends who understand what it's like to live with chronic pain.
4. Have I mentioned my husband/best friend who is such a great companion in life, who keeps me laughing as much as possible and keeps me active as I can handle.

1 comment:

  1. Despite what we go through, or have been through, isn't it great to always find things to be Thankful for?!

    Love your #4...that is one of mine, too!
